IRIS+™ VMS Gateway Integration Guide - Integrations (2024)

This guide outlines how to deploy and configure the integration of IRIS+™ and Genetec Security Center View which Genetec Security Center versions are supported here: Supported Integrations

Enable Web-based SDK Role in the Security Center

Note: The following is no longer required for Genetec Security Center version 5.11 with VMS Gateway or later. Starting with this version, .NET SDK is used for all the necessary connections, using a single certificate.

  • In the Security Center, the Web SDK role must be enabled so that Genetec can interoperate with analytics.

  • To enable the Web-based SDK Role in the Security Center:

    1. Open the Security Center Config Tool and log in

    2. Click the Home button

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3. Click the System icon 4. Click the Roles icon within the System sub-screen:

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5. If the Web SDK Role is already defined, it will appear in the Roles list. If not: Click the + Add an entity button and select the ‘Web-based SDK’ from the list

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6. In the Entity name field, enter WebSDK 7. Click the Next button

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8. Click the Create button 9. Click Close. The new role appears in the roles list:

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Verify Genetec Certificate

For new IRIS+™ customers:

  • IRIS+™ certificate - Genetec part number: GSC-1SDK-AgentVi-innoVi certificate

3 connections are required

For Genetec Security Center version 5.11 or newer and VMS Gateway or later, only a single connection is required

For customers migrating from savVi, who already have Genetec installed:

  • savVi certificate - a limited number of connections (1 to 39). Genetec part number: GSC-1SDK-savVi.

3 connections are required*

For Genetec Security Center version 5.11 or newer and VMS Gateway or later, only a single connection is required

  • savVi Site certificate – unlimited number of connections. Genetec part number: GSC-SDK-savViSITE.

A single savVi SITE certificate is required

Note: for displaying IRIS+™ in the Genetec Security Desk (see this link) – an additional Genetec Certificate is required.

Usage of the 3 connections:

  • One connection is consumed by the Genetec web SDK (used for VMS connectivity checks and to send events)

  • One connection is consumed by the Genetec .NET SDK to log in and fetch the camera list

  • One connection is consumed by the Genetec .NET SDK to send overlays to the VMS

Open Genetec Security Center Config Tool, in the main menu, select About, and select Certificates. Verify your deployment has an IRIS+™ certificate or at least one savVi certificate. The following example shows 10 savVi certificates:

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Before you start

These steps assume that your IRIS+™ account has been set up and that folders, devices, and cameras have been configured. If that is not the case, first access IRIS+™ tutorials from the IRIS+™ Support hub to configure your account. In IRIS+™, a service account is required to later link Genetec to the IRIS+™ account, if the Core integration type is used (described in section 5.2). The IRIS+™ service account provides a token, which is the identifier used to link the IRIS+™ account to Genetec.

To generate an IRIS+™ Service Account token, perform the following:

  • Browse to your IRIS+™ account, Settings tab

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  • Click the Users tab

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  • Click the + Add button and select Create service account.

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  • Enter a Service Account Name such as “Genetec Integration”. Enter a Description (optional).

  • Click Create Service Account.

  • From the user's list, select the created Service Account user, click the arrow next to the name to expand the view, and select Get Token

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  • Define token expiration if required (by default the token never expires)

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  • Click Get Token and note the generated token (to be used in the IRIS+™ VMS Gateway configuration):

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  • Close the window

Identify the Genetec Security Center version installed at your deployment. Download files from:


Extract the following files:

  1. Genetec SDK: Security_Center_v5.11.0.0_b143.4_SDK

  2. IRIS+ VMS Gateway installer -

  3. IRIS+ Genetec Embedded Plugin installer

IRIS+ Genetec-integration-for

Extract the following files:

  1. Genetec SDK: Security_Center_v5.12.1.0_b1239.75_SDK.exe

  2. IRIS+ VMS Gateway installer -

  3. IRIS+ Genetec Embedded Plugin installer

Perform the following steps to install the downloaded integration components. The Genetec SDK and the IRIS+™ VMS Gateway should be installed on a server able to connect to the Genetec VMS and IRIS+™ core API (either Irisity hosted or Customer hosted). This server can be either the Genetec VMS server or a dedicated separate server able to connect to the Genetec VMS.

Genetec SDK

Install the Genetec SDK:

  • For Genetec version 5.11: Run the file Security_Center_v5.11.0.0_b143.4_SDK.exe

  • For Genetec version 5.12: Run the file Security_Center_v5.12.1.0_b1239.75_SDK.exe

IRIS+™ VMS Gateway

The IRIS+™ VMS Gateway is a Windows service connecting the IRIS+™ to Genetec, transferring the IRIS+™ generated events to Genetec. When installing the IRIS+™ VMS gateway, or troubleshooting connectivity problems, it is important to understand that the IRIS+™ VMS gateway can be both a client and a server, as follows: The IRIS+™ VMS gateway is a client of the Genetec VMS server When Edge Integration is deployed, the IRIS+™ VMS gateway is a server to which IRIS+™ Edge Device/s, either Customer-Hosted or Irisity-Hosted, connect to push analytics events and/or metadata to the IRIS+™ VMS gateway, via different ports. The IRIS+™ VMS gateway then delivers them to the Genetec VMS. When installing the IRIS+™ VMS gateway and entering its configuration settings, or when opening ports in the firewall of the servers hosting the IRIS+™ VMS gateway and/or the VMS server, it is important not to confuse the different functions and client/server incoming/outgoing call direction of the various ports and URLs

IRIS+™ VMS Gateway – for Genetec Security Center 5.11 & 5.12

Health events are supported only in Genetec version 5.11 & 5.12

Perform the following steps:

Install the IRIS+™ VMS gateway. If a previous IRIS+™ VMS Gateway version is already installed, uninstall it. Select the relevant installer for the Genetec version 5.11 or 5.12. Run the IRIS+™ VMS gateway Installer file as administrator. Two options are available for the IRIS+™ VMS gateway to integrate with the IRIS+™ application:

  • EdgeEvents and metadata for overlay are transferred from the IRIS+™ Edge to Genetec

  • CoreEvents are transferred from the IRIS+™ core to Genetec

When the following window is displayed, populate the relevant fields:

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VMS Settings (relevant for both Core and Edge integration options)

  • VMS Type - select Genetec Security Center

  • Address - IP address of the Genetec VMS

  • Port - Port to communicate with the Genetec VMS. The default port is 5001

  • User - username to log in to the Genetec VMS

  • Password - password to log in to the Genetec VMS


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Integration Settings Define the integration type: Core or Edge.

Core IntegrationReceive analytics events from the core – Check to set


The default URL ( is for an Irisity-hosted deployment. For a customer-hosted deployment, replace this URL with the applicable URL assigned for your deployment, the default URL is (

IRIS+™ Account Token

Core - Paste the token you have generated above

Receive health events from the core

Check to set Check any of the four available health events and set relevant Rule IDs:

  • New Error

  • Close Error

  • New Warning

  • Close Warning


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Edge Integration

Receive analytics events and metadata from Edge device

Check to set

Events Port

This is the IRIS+™ VMS Gateway port on the Windows server. The value is automatically populated with a default value and is editable

Events URL

The URL field is read-only and cannot be updated. This is the IP address of the Windows server on which the IRIS+™ VMS Gateway is being installed. The value of the URL is automatically populated. Keep the IP address to be used later when configuring an IRIS+™ Integration Target

Metadata Port & Metadata URL

Same as the Events fields above, used for overlay display

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Click Next to proceed with the installation until finished.

IRIS+™ VMS Gateway – Continued

If you are using a Genetec savVi certificate, follow these steps:

  1. Run services.msc to open the list of Windows services

  2. Stop the IRIS+™ VMS Gateway Service

  3. In the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Irisity AB\IRIS+ VMS Gateway\certificates:

  • Remove the file IRIS+Gateway.Service.exe.cert

  • Rename the file IRIS+Gateway.Service savVi.exe.cert to IRIS+Gateway.Service.exe.cert

4. Start the IRIS+ VMS Gateway Service

Once the installation is complete, the service is started. The gateway service will then connect to the Genetec VMS to fetch the camera list

Follow these steps to verify that the IRIS+™ VMS Gateway Service successfully communicates with the VMS:

Wait one minute to allow the service to communicate with the VMS

Open the file:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Irisity AB\IRIS+ VMS Gateway\logs\VMSGateway.Service_xxxxx_part".See if it contains a list of camera names fetched from the VMS, or otherwise error notifications indicating a problem


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  • Possible errors:

    • Wrong details were entered during the IRIS+™ VMS Gateway install (examples: IP, port number, credentials). To change any of the required parameters, refer to the “Updating configuration parameters of the integration” section below

    • Wrong or incomplete configuration of the VMS server (license, firewall, configuration, cameras not yet added, some VMS services are down, etc.)

    • Connection is successful; however, a functional failure of the gateway occurs due to the refusal or failure of the VMS to correctly respond to the gateway. Verify the installed IRIS+™ VMS Gateway Windows service has sufficient Windows permissions. If not, change the IRIS+™ VMS Gateway service settings to log on as a Windows user with the necessary permissions. Restart the service and verify (in the log) that the IRIS+™ VMS Gateway service operates properly

Restart IRIS+ VMS Gateway if one of the following changes occurs:

  • A change in IRIS+ VMS Gateway settings

  • A change in the Genetec Security Center cameras list while the Core integration type is used

Updating configuration parameters of the integration:

If you want to change any of the integration parameters following the installation, there is no need to uninstall and reinstall the IRIS+™ VMS Gateway. A dedicated utility is available to update the parameters. Run the utility from the shortcut on the desktop of the machine you installed the IRIS+™ VMS Gateway:

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It will open the settings of the IRIS+™ VMS Gateway service for updates, correct or change the settings as required, and click "Apply" for the settings to take effect.

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Genetec Embedded Plugin

Install the IRIS+ Genetec embedded plugin on any machine running the Genetec Security Desk. Close the Genetec Security Desk before installing the plugin.

The Edge Integrations in IRIS+™ are the IRIS+™ Edge-specific definitions required for IRIS+™ to integrate with Genetec. The Integration Targets in IRIS+™ are the system-wide definitions required for IRIS+™ to integrate with Genetec. You will define the endpoints that can receive the events and metadata sent by the IRIS+™ Edge.

To define the Integration Targets in IRIS+™, do the following:

  1. Log in to your IRIS+™ account.

  2. From the top module bar, select Settings.

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3. Select Integration Targets.

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4. Click the Add button. The Integration Target screen appears.

5. Define the two integration targets as follows:

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6. Event Integration Define the following:

  • Target name: Define a meaningful name such as Genetec Events

  • Ensure the toggle switch is Enabled

  • Type: Keep default values HTTP and POST

  • URI: Paste the URI of the Events Integration URI field in the IRIS+™ VMS Gateway Installer

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If the gateway and the edge devices are NOT on the same LAN, then you should replace the internal IP in the URI with the public IP of the gateway’s computer. Find the public IP by searching for a publicly available website with a free service providing this information. The public IP address should be forwarded on the local firewall to the local gateway IP on port 8098.

7. Click Save. The integration Target is defined and is listed in the Integration Targets list

8. Metadata Integration (for overlay display in Genetec) Define the following

  • Target name: Define a meaningful name such as Genetec Overlay

  • Ensure the toggle switch is Enabled

  • Type: Change to WS and GET

  • URI: Paste the URI of the Metadata Integration URI field in the IRIS+ VMS Gateway Installer

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If the gateway and the edge devices are NOT on the same LAN, then you should replace the internal IP in the URI with the public IP of the gateway’s computer. That IP can be found by searching "What is my IP" in Google. The public IP address should be forwarded on the local firewall to the local gateway IP on port 8099.

9. Click Save. The integration target is defined and is listed in the Integration Targets list

Perform the following for each IRIS+™ Edge you want to integrate with Genetec. To define the Edge Integration in IRIS+™, do the following:

  1. Log in to your IRIS+™ account

  2. Select Physical View

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3. Select the IRIS+™ Edge for which you want to define the integration

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4. Select Integrations

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5. Click Edit

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6. Enable Events Integration and select the relevant Integration Target you previously

defined (in this example – Genetec Events)

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7. Enable Metadata Integration and select the relevant Integration Target you previously

defined (in this example – Genetec Overlay)

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8. Click Save

Before you start IRIS+™ supports time sync to the IRIS+™ Edge device time. The IRIS+™ device and the Genetec server time definitions must therefore be synchronized. Verify that the NTP (Network Time protocols) are synchronized.

To Verify that the Genetec Server time is synchronized to IRIS+™ Edge device time, do the following:

  1. Open the Windows Date and Time panel and select Internet Time

  2. Click the Change Settings button

  3. Ensure the synchronization checkbox is enabled.

Cameras in Genetec Security Center are set up with two identifiers: camera name and GUID. For IRIS+™ to recognize the cameras in Genetec Security Center, the IRIS+™ VMS Gateway extracts the cameras’ names and GUIDs to the following file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Irisity AB\IRIS+ VMS Gateway\GenetecCameras.ini Here is an example of the output file (3 cameras):

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Perform the following in IRIS+™:

For each camera requiring analytics, define the camera in IRIS+™ including the specific video URL for this camera, and populate the External ID (as displayed in the following window) with the relevant Genetec camera GUID:

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Manually set resolution for overlay - non-vendor "generic" RTSP cameras

The problem:

To compute pixel coordinates of overlay rectangles in Genetec, the IRIS+™ VMS Gateway must know the camera’s resolution. However, in the case of generic RTSP streams, the Genetec SDK does not provide resolution information. A “Generic Stream” in Genetec is a Video Unit for which the camera vendor is not specified, only the RTSP URL to stream is provided. In such case, in the Genetec Config Tool, in the Video Unit’s properties, the “Manufacturer:“ field shows “Generic Stream” instead of “Pelco”, Axis” etc.

The solution:

  • Manually provide the IRIS+™ VMS Gateway with the resolution of the stream.

  • In C:\Program Files (x86)\Irisity AB\IRIS+ VMS Gateway, open the GenetecCameras.ini and the GenetecManualResolutions.ini files.

  • Perform the following steps for each “Generic Stream” camera:

    1. In the Genetec config tool in Tasks à Video à Archiver, expand to see the list of video units

    2. Select the “Generic Stream” camera

    3. Select the unit’s video camera

    4. Click the video preview to start the preview video streaming. Wait for the streaming to start

    5. Click on the “i” (information) icon to read the stream’s resolution (width X height measured in pixels)In the GenetecCameras.ini file, find the camera by its name (the part before the “=” delimiter) and copy its Genetec camera ID (the part after the “=” delimiter)

    6. In the file GenetecManualResolutions.ini, in the [Resolutions] section, add a new line in the format cameraID=widthXheight, using the copied camera ID from item 6 above and the width and height values from item 5 above

  • Save the updated GenetecManualResolutions.ini file.

  • Restart the IRIS+ VMS Gateway service

  • Example of GenetecManualResolutions.ini file:

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Note: To view RTSP generic streaming in IRIS+ portal, enable UDP Support when you add a specific video URL for this camera.

To enable alarms to be received in the Genetec Security Desk:

  • Define a Genetec Custom Event for each IRIS+™ detection rule type you are deploying in your environment. For example, if you are implementing Moving in an Area and Crossing a Line rule types, define two Genetec Custom Events, each corresponding to a rule type. It does not matter if the rule type is configured on single or multiple IRIS+™ sensors; in both cases, it is sufficient to define one Custom Event for this rule type.

  • Define a Genetec Alarm for each IRIS+™ rule type that you are deploying in your environment. Following the above example, you need to define two alarms

  • Define Genetec Actions that cause each of the defined Custom Events to trigger its corresponding Alarm

In the steps below, a single detection rule type Person Moving is used as an example. This process must be repeated for each rule type you implement.

To define a Custom Event:

  1. Log in to the Security Center Config Tool

  2. Select Tasks from the main menu

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3. Select System

4. Select General Settings

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5. Select Events > Custom events

6. To Add an item: click the '+' sign (circled red in the above screen)

7. When prompted with the Create dialog, define a meaningful name for the event that

corresponds to the rule type. Also, capture the Custom Event ID ('Value' field) since

you need to use this ID in the IRIS+™ rule settings. In this example, the value is 777

(can be set automatically by the application or defined by the user)

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8. Click Save and Apply.

To define an Alarm:

  1. Select Tasks from the main menu

  2. Select Alarms

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3. Add a new alarm (click the + Alarm icon)

4. Enter the alarm name. Provide a meaningful name, e.g., Moving Person detected, as it

is later shown in Genetec Security Desk when the alarm is received

5. Click Apply

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6. Select recipient(s) for the alarm: add the Security Center's user (the login username)

and click Apply

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7. At the top bar, select Properties

8. In the Video Display option field, select Live and Playback

9. In the Play field, select 6 seconds

10. In the Content cycling 12 seconds

11. Click Apply

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To link the Custom Event to an Alarm:

  1. Select System -> General Settings

  2. Select Actions and click the + below the Actions table to add an item. The Actions wizard pops up:

  3. In the first line of the window above (“When:” “occurs”): open the list - all Events you created will be listed. Find the previously added Custom Event and select it - in this example IRIS+ Moving in an area

  4. In the Action list, select Trigger Alarm

  5. Open the Alarms list and select the alarm defined earlier for the selected event - in this example Moving person detected

  6. Click Save to save the configuration changes

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To link IRIS+™ analytics events with Genetec Security Center Custom Event, select the Rules tab for the relevant camera and define the same value (777) for the External ID of the rule in IRIS+.

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  • Click Save to save the input.

This section shows how to view event alarms in the Genetec Security Desk.

To view Alarms

  1. Log in to the Security Desk

  2. Access Tasks > Operation > Alarm Monitoring to see the alarms list, and below it, the events from the related cameras

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To view alarm overlays

  1. The user has to have the privilege called “Display video overlays”; it is enabled by default for admin users. For regular users: log in to the “Config Tool” application in User Management and verify that “Display video overlays” is enabled.

  2. Click the Security Desk tab in the Security Desk application; choose “Options” and then the “Display overlay video controls” option has to be enabled.

  3. Click “Video” “Default Options” and verify “Show overlays” is “ON”

  4. Right-click Camera Overlays in the Live video display and verify it is enabled.

  • Once the IRIS+™ Genetec Embedded Plugin is installed, an IRIS+™ icon is added to the Genetec Security Desk home screen:

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  • Click the IRIS+™ icon. A login window is displayed in a new tab. Log in to IRIS+™ using your credentials. The default URI is If the first login fails, a URI field pops up. Update the URI to match your deployment. The updated URI is saved.

  • IRIS+™ portal is now available:

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  • The logs for the IRIS+™ VMS Gateway Service are available as follows:

    • IRIS+™ VMS Gateway Service logs path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Irisity AB\IRIS+ VMS Gateway\logs.

  • Irisity Customer Support may ask for these logs for further troubleshooting.

  • To troubleshoot events properly created in IRIS+™ and transferred to Genetec, you can add a clip to both IRIS+™ and Genetec, simulating events.

  • If the Genetec server is down or the Web SDK role is either deactivated or does not exist, the service log will show the following message: DATE & TIME [145] ERROR BaseVideoPlugin.VideoPlugin - VMS 1 is disconnected. IRIS+ is not aware of the reason for the specific failure. You will need to investigate the Genetec side to determine the reason for the disconnect.

  • If you want to uninstall the IRIS+ VMS Gateway and reinstall it again, stop the IRIS+VMS Gateway service before uninstalling.

Customer Support: [emailprotected]

IRIS+™ VMS Gateway Integration Guide - Integrations (2024)
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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.